
Cultural agenda at the Departmental Library "Meira Delmar".

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Since May, the Convalores Foundation has functioned as the operator of the cultural agenda of the "Meira Delmar" Departmental Public Library, located in the center of Barranquilla on 38 # 38B -21, providing a new cultural and educational offer, consisting of a set of programs with different themes that are part of a program designed to facilitate both learning and the growth of a cultural background in all attendees.

Each month a theme is chosen, which accompanies all the activities of the same, almost daily, students, high school graduates, university students, people from the sector and the community in general have a space in the Library, either to debate, perform workshops, enjoy the cinema or participate in any of the other activities.

This cultural agenda offers programs of all kinds, musical, theatrical, artistic, educational related to history, universal literature, activities that address issues of society, learning spaces in which knowledge is reinforced.

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