
Hay son en la plaza

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Hay son en la plaza is a program that covers several cultural and educational, cultural because it invites youth and children to learn about the native music and the importance of preserving and value it, also invites them to participate in workshops to stimulate their talents in painting, music, drawing and corporal and educational expressions because around art and music as part of cultural identity, activities are developed that educate in values ​​and reinforce the good behaviors that children have learned at home or in their schools.

This initiative called "Hay Son en la Plaza" has brought together the efforts of several organizations such as the Secretariat of Culture and Heritage of the Governor's Office of the Atlantic, the Ideas Caribbean Corporation, the Joe Arroyo Foundation and the Convalores Foundation, who have worked to convert the municipal squares in a space of social cohesion and interaction, which families can attend, finding in the square an environment that invites entertainment and enjoyment with close friends and neighbors, in which in turn music and traditional dances become that attraction that stimulates the assistance of families, thus promoting union, love, respect, tolerance, joy, peace and many other values ​​that strengthen coexistence in society and family integration.

In this 2017 "Hay Son En La Plaza" reached the municipalities of Malambo, Candelaria, Suan, Manatí, Piojó, Sabanalarga, Ponedera, Luruaco, Campo de la Cruz, Santa Lucia, Repelón, Baranoa, Usiacurí, Santo Tomás, Sabanagrande, Galapa, Puerto Colombia, Soledad, Polonuevo, Tubará, Juan de Acosta and finally held a day in Barranquilla, the capital of the department.

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